Archiving and Restoring a Group

Archiving a group is useful for keeping your main groups list organized. While an archived group still allows members to access their assignments and resources, you cannot make any changes, invite new members, or manage existing content until the group is restored.

Archiving a Group

  1. Open the group you want to archive.
  2. Click the Overflow Menu (the three-dot icon) in the header bar.
  3. Select "Archive Group."
  4. Confirm the action to finalize archiving.
The overflow menu with the
The overflow menu with the "Archive Group" option

Where to Find Archived Groups

  • Archived groups appear under the "Archived" tab in the main Groups page.
  • You can still view the group’s assignments, members, notes, and resources, but you won’t be able to modify or invite members while it’s archived.
Archived groups are listed in the Groups
Archived groups are listed in the Groups "Archived" tab

Restoring an Archived Group

  1. Open the archived group from the "Archived" tab.
  2. Click the Overflow Menu (three-dot icon) in the header bar.
  3. Select Restore to return the group to active status.
  4. A group can also be restored directly from the "Archived" tab by clicking the Restore button on the group row.
Restoring a group by clicking the
Restoring a group by clicking the "Restore" button on the archived group's row

After Restoring a Group

  • The group will appear once again in the "Active" tab of your Groups list.
  • You can resume managing assignments, inviting or removing members, and editing the group’s details or resources.

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Adding a Group
Group Workbook and Resources