Group Workbook and Resources

Once you've created a group, you can start adding content that every group member will see. All members who join the group will immediately have access to these worksheets and resources on their mobile app. The Workbook tab is where you assign worksheets and infosheets, and the Resources tab is where you can share links, collections, and files.

Workbook Tab

When you first create a group, the Workbook tab is automatically active, allowing you to begin adding assignments right away.

Add an Assignment

  1. Click the Add Assignment button.
  2. Use the search feature to locate the worksheet or infosheet you want to assign.
  3. Click Preview to review the content.
  4. Select Assign To Group to finalize the assignment for your group.
Assigning a worksheet or infosheet to a group
Assigning a worksheet or infosheet to a group

Configure Reminders

After adding an assignment, you can set up notifications for your group members:

  1. Click the Reminders button on the assignment.
  2. Choose the desired schedule and settings to ensure participants are reminded to complete the assignment.
Click the
Click the "Reminders" button to configure an assignment's reminder schedule

Configure Worksheet Fields (Optional)

If you’ve assigned a worksheet, you can further customize it:

  1. Click the Configure button next to the assignment.
  2. Adjust field labels or visibility as needed.
Click the
Click the "Configure" button to configure field labels and visibility
Show/hide fields, or edit labels and descriptions
Show/hide fields, or edit labels and descriptions

See the "Configure Assignment" for more details on configuring field labels and visibility.

Remove an Assignment (If No Submissions)

If no members have submitted responses yet, you can delete an assignment:

  1. Click the Remove button for the assignment you want to delete.
You can remove an assignment from a group if there are no submissions yet
You can remove an assignment from a group if there are no submissions yet

5. Preview Your Assignment

Once you’ve finished configuring your assignment, click Preview to see exactly how it will appear to group members.

Resources Tab

The Resources tab lets you share external materials with group members, similar to how you would for an individual patient.

  1. Open the Resources tab from your group’s main page.
  2. Choose to add Links, Collections, or Files.
  3. Links and Files will appear in the patient's "Resources" on their mobile app.

You have now successfully added assignments and resources to your group. Group members will see these items in their apps, helping them stay informed and engaged with their therapeutic activities.

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Archiving and Restoring a Group
Inviting and Managing Group Members